St. Stephen Men's Club
The St. Stephen Men's Club traces their beginning to 1948, when the first resident pastor of St. Stephen, Fr. John E. Grote, organized the men of the parish into the Holy Name Society. Their main function was the upkeep of the buildings and grounds of the parish.
The erection of Voigt Hall in the mid-1970s found numerous men of the parish becoming active in the design and construction of the building. Many of the men who aided the effort were nonCatholic members of the parish and as such, were not eligible to join the Holy Name Society. As a result, in the early 1980s, then-pastor Fr. James Blazine suggested the creation of the current St. Stephen Men's Club to replace the Holy Name Society in an effort to include the numerous men who were such a vital part of parish activities.
The current role of the Men's Club is to ensure the ongoing viability of the parish buildings and grounds, as well as to assist in whatever means requested or otherwise deemed necessary to the sustenance of the parish. Some of the more recognizable activities include the monthly Coffee and Donuts after Mass on the second Sunday of the month from October through May. The Men's Club is also known for their Pancake and Sausage Breakfasts, held the last Sunday every October and on Super Bowl Sunday. On the more savory side, the Men's Club holds their Annual Winter Barbecue on the second Saturday in January with dining available in the Voigt Hall gym. Carryouts are also available. Another fundraiser is the Men's Club Trivia Nights which are held in October and January in the Voigt Hall gym.
The Men's Club holds their Annual Communion Breakfast the first Sunday in March every year where they gather for breakfast in the Voigt Hall Meeting Room prior to attending Mass as a group. Breakfast is served by the ladies of St. Anne Altar Sodality. The Men's Club returns the favor by serving when the ladies hold their Annual Communion Breakfast in May.
The Men's Club Annual Christmas Party is held the first Saturday in January where members bring their families to enjoy a meal and social activities, including games and a gift exchange.
The Men's Club holds monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of the month in the Voigt Hall Meeting Room. Dinner is served at 6:30 PM, followed by a short business meeting at 7:00 PM. All male members of the parish who are 18 years of age or older are welcome and encouraged to join the Men's Club.
Anyone who is interested in joining the Men's Club can contact the Men's Club Secretary, Jim Rudy at 618 660-7839 or by e-mail at iimthetriviaguy@sbcglobal.net.